January 26, 2025

Recover panics in all Goroutines you start

I recently joined a project where the codebase was written in Go. While the codebase had numerous issues, one stood out: the server restarted unexpectedly and frequently. After examining the server logs, I discovered the culprit—panic-induced crashes in Goroutines. The underlying issue was that the codebase didn’t handle panic recovery in all the Goroutines it started. Read more

November 21, 2024

The Danger of Running Untrusted Code

Recently I was invited to a project on UpWork by someone claiming to have issues running his code. Before he started the contracted, I was invited to a GitHub repository, accepted - and executed the code locally. Nothing looked suspicious, until I dwelled deeper into the code. Lesson learned: never run untrusted code on your machine. Read more

May 6, 2024

How I failed to properly transfer this website's domain

I used to run my blog at a different domain, ribice.ba .For personal reasons and other projects that I now host on this domain, I decided to transfer my programming blog to dev.ribic.ba. As I had no experience with domain migrations, I just set up the 301 redirect and submitted this change to Google Search Console. It went horribly wrong. Read more

May 5, 2024

Switching to iPhone from Android - again

I’ve written a very lengthy post six and a half years ago about my journey from Android to iPhone (here). After seven years, I found myself making the familiar journey back to iPhone from Android. In December last year, I took the plunge and invested in an iPhone 15 Pro along with an Apple Watch 9, eager to explore the latest offerings from Apple. I’ve been using it for a few months now and I’m ready to share my thoughts on the switch. Most of my reasoning from the last post still stands today, but there are a few things that have changed. Read more

April 4, 2024

My Google Pixel 5 is unable to make emergency calls

Yesterday, I experienced a car accident while driving to the city center. A vehicle collided with me from behind, prompting me to follow standard procedure by attempting to call the police for a proper assessment. However, my attempts to dial 112, the emergency number in Europe, were unsuccessful. The call wouldn’t connect, forcing me to resort to contacting a friend to call the police on my behalf. This process was awkward and consumed valuable time. It left me pondering the potent ial consequences had I been in a life-threatening situation. Read more

January 29, 2024

Deploying to EMR Serverless via EMR CLI

Recently as part of my academic studies I had to deploy a PySpark application to EMR Serverless. I encountered a couple of issues along the way - most of them related to me trying to get a newer version of Python running on the cluster. This post will cover the issues I encountered and how I resolved them. Read more

February 25, 2023

Defer your mutex Unlocks

A few weeks ago we had an incident where our RabbitMQ was blocked and no new messages were processed. Restarting the service temporary resolved the issue, but the underlying the problem was still there. It was caused by a mutex that stayed locked after a panic. Even though we did recover from panic - the mutex remained to be locked. Read more

November 24, 2022

Be Above Average

Being average (among the general populace) is easy. Most of the time it requires you to do nothing. Never strive for being average - the bar for that is too low. Read more

August 3, 2022

Easy memory-saving tricks in Go

Unless you’re prototyping a service - you probably care about the memory usage of your application. With a smaller memory footprint, the infrastructure costs are reduced and scaling becomes a bit easier/delayed. Even though Go is known for not consuming a lot of memory, there are ways to further reduce the consumption. Some of them require lots of refactoring, but many are very easy to do. Read more

November 4, 2021

Back to Google - after de-googling my phone

I’m an avid Android user for 10+ years. Like many other tech-oriented people, I’m not a fan of Google and its policies (a few reasons listed later), and I’m constantly trying to use alternatives where possible. I’ve used Custom ROMs for years (with Google apps), but recently used my phone for 4+ months without any Google service. The previous week I reinstalled Google’s factory image - here’s why and what next steps I plan to make to keep my privacy. Read more

July 27, 2021

Glice v2 - Adding support for go.mod

Glice has been the first open-source project I published on my GitHub account. It’s a dependency checker for Go that used to go through all .go files, parse the imports and fetch the licenses for third-party dependencies. Long overdue I’ve added support for projects using Go Modules and did a major refactor simultaneously. Read more

April 14, 2021

HTTP logging in Go

Having good logging is crucial for running and debugging applications in production. It reduces your issue to resolution time by providing details about every action, request, and response. Designing a good logging system isn’t a trivial task, and requires an eye for detail. Here’s how I do it in Go! Read more

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